BEARS Club Membership
Who are the BEARS? The BEARS club is an MNSW affiliated, incorporated club whose intent is provide our members with an environment to race their unique motorcycles and support them in doing so. Of course you don’t have to race to be a member, if your only interested in BEARS bikes then you may still wish to join.


How do I join the BEARS? The Membership Form is available as a pdf or a word document. Print it out and send it and your cheque to our membership secretary (see contact details below or on the contacts page). Alternatively you can send the form via email and use the direct deposit details provided on the form.

Membership Form PDF

Membership Form Word Doc

What does it cost and what do I get? The annual membership fee is $65.00 (Australian). As a member you may receive a club newsletter electronically. Meet a bunch of like minded individuals (we are all individuals) who love racing, riding, and being involved with REAL motorcycles. You can also obtain a competition racing license from MNSW (Details here).

Join the FORUM here and talk to other BEARS members

Membership Secretary
Rick Fitzsimmons
PO Box 1634
Tamworth 2340

Any questions please email the membership secretary clicking here.
Or call Rick on (0408) 659223